Sunday, June 12, 2011

The midnight cowboys of Tel Aviv - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

This is a link to an article on male trans-gendered prostitutes in Tel Aviv and a man *
Uri Eick, coordinator of the LGBT ‏(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender‏) division at the Health Ministry’s Levinsky Clinic by the new central bus station, which focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of sexual diseases
who tries to help them. It seems to be common for men who are gay in the middle east to be disowned by their families. These human beings are greatly abused by society and they are forced into a survival mode by having to arm themselves as mandatory to being able to stay alive.

I feel a lot of compassion for transgendered people of who I have known several. I especially feel for transgendered and gay people in the middle east as it is so dangerous for them. Where as in the western countries there seems be less abandonment and growing acceptance among family and social groups.

The midnight cowboys of Tel Aviv - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

* quote from article

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